Monday, July 6, 2009

Bless us Divine Mother

Divine Mother, Thank You for the blessings of food and drink, thank you for the beauty of Nature. Teach us to love each other, all people, as you love us. Teach us to appreciate everything that comes to us, even the unpleasant things that teach us the lessons that could only be learned by suffering. Forgive us our past errors, forgive our selfish natures. Guide us on the path of goodness. Show your mercy in our daily lives and may we learn to recognize and appreciate it. May we be more humble, more patient, more kind and generous. May we use the fruits of the spirit to plant seeds in this world.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today is everyday

Divine Mother, for years I was unaware of who you actually were. We are taught of the threefold nature of God, but nothing is ever said about the feminine aspect. The Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, is a mystery and not given much attention when it comes to prayer and daily thought. Christ only revealed the Holy Ghost, or Comforter as he called it, right before he was crucified. Only after studying gnostics did we find out about you. Forgive our past neglect, we know now that you are Divine Mercy, you hold the key to our being forgiven. All mankind has already been judged and the Arian race has been found unworthy and a failure. Through you, we have the chance to plead forgiveness and be rescued from the abyss. Have mercy on our souls!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mother of Creation

People use the term "Mother Nature" or "Mother Earth" but no one really stops to consider the feminine energy that is part of the Godhead. How could the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all be masculine? Without the feminine principal, nothing could be created or bore. I think the fear of the church to admit certain things, or the dogma of a few generations has created this one sided perception of what we are and how the universe is made up. We need to reconnect. How come all the ancient civilizations had female godesses? What caused all the women in the Bible to be given a back seat to the men? We discount the females role in religious history, or even their relevance in how we advance. Now that women are taking a more active role in politics and business, will they be given their place of significance in relation to divinity? Oh Divine Mother, may we come to know of your mercy and recognize your significance!

Friday, October 10, 2008

In These Times

Divine Mother, we have always believed that we were living in the end times of this world. Now, as the news of collapse and desperation reach our ears, we are justified in our beliefs. Help calm our fears, renew our faith, and give us peace. We are part of this suffering humanity and must pay our karma as all the rest. We pray that we receive our purifications and tests and we pass them with endirance and dignity. Watch over our family unit, preserve the love and union that we share. Be with our extended family and friends. Open their minds and hearts to the mercy that is available to them through you. Thank You Divine Mother for your mercy, blessing, and forgiveness!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Now more than ever!

I have felt a certain urgency lately, abeit subtle. My dreams have intensified since moving here to Philadelphia. I heard recently that the most important thing we can do right now is appreciate. I take time every morning to thank the Father and Divine Mother for all we have been blessed with. I also ask for forgiveness for my sins. We were told that you must ask for your purification, or you will not receive it. I have always felt that we were living in the end times, but especially now I can tell it is not far away. I only learned about the Divine Mother when living in Brazil, now I realize how important it is to form a connection with her and ask for her mercy

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hear our Prayers!

Divine Mother, hear our prayers, be with us. We are facing one of the greatest challenges of our lives. While we have the faith and the strength to carry it out, we need your mercy and insight to give us the edge. Remind us each day of your presence, give force to our guardian angels and the spirits who help us. We recognize you, for so many years we didn't realize your presence. Now that we know you, help us to recognize you in our daily lives and cry out to you in our times of doubt.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Feeling Your Presence

O Divine Mother, I am feeling you more now! As we get closer to our move, I can feel You at work. Please forgive my sins and indifference, please hear my prayers and requests for Your Divine help. For years we worshipped the Father and the Son, only recently we became aware that You are in reality the Holy Spirit, just as relevant, but maybe even more, now that the times are so caotic and nearer the time of change. Please be with my family, be with us and preserve our love!